Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Elevator Stories #4: Goodies and a can of Sprite

Yesterday during our break, I met Hairboy outside across the building for a smoke. He's leaving in January! So many people are leaving the company this month and next month too, but there are loads of newly hired...hirelings. Hihihi. Anyway afterwards we went to the building canteen to get something to eat. Nothing ever looks appetizing there (although I do dine there quite often) so I just bought a can of Sprite. We dallied in the elevator lobby while waiting for our ride. There were several people walking around carrying large gift packs and we griped about how small and light ours were. We talked about how we expected to have a difficult time carrying them around at the party last weekend before they were distributed and imagined how we would strain under the weight of the goodies. We even devised elaborate plans of getting them home successfully. One of the gift pack carriers was particularly burdened by his basket, it was full of yummy chips and fruit and loads of canned stuff, I think I even saw a bottle of cheap wine in there. HB and I were very envious indeed.

So we got in our lift and tried to laugh off our envy. By this time, my hand had gotten very numb from the cold can so I shifted it to the other hand that already held my phone and wallet. That can was freezing cold. Our lift had only a handful of people in it and there was room to move around. I wasn't sure if popping open a can of soda is considered rude but I feared my fingers would start falling off. Loudly I asked HB if it was okay for me to open my can. He said it was fine but looked a little doubtful. The others glanced at me briefly and looked as if they would frown upon this sort of thing. I was going to wait till we got off at our floor but I wanted to know if they would say anything and more importantly, I wanted to know if the pressure from the can would interfere with the smooth elevator operation. Hehe. I popped it open. I took a sip and it tasted like Sprite. Nothing happened to the elevator. I got frowned at though. I did discover that the popping sound is a lot noisier and more intrusive and I felt rude for not having waited. So now I know better. You really do learn by doing.


Anonymous said...

offtopic: just blog hopping! care to ex links?

chrismiss said...

Um...what for?