Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I've been feeling a little run down lately. I thought maybe I was still convalescing from two weeks ago. But I haven't been sleeping properly, I get myself to bed same time as usual but I feel too restless to drift off straight away. But I don't want to do anything, I can't concentrate on reading for more than 5 minutes. And I always feel tired in the morning even after sleeping in later than I usually do. I stopped running (and I wasn't even doing that regularly to begin with), my head feels bloated and fluffy, if that's even possible, which my mom insists are just hunger headaches. She thinks I'm not getting enough food. I don't know about that. And I've had this upset stomach for a while now.

I watch more than usual too. Last night I saw 3 House episodes one after the other. I used to be addicted to TV before but that was years ago and besides I'm hardly ever home long enough to find anything good to watch. I only watch television now when I'm not feeling well...or when I'm brooding about something. So whatever's bothering me could be emotional. Puzzling. I don't have anything to be depressed about. At least I don't think so.

Oh my sister comes home today, she gets discharged later this afternoon. She's staying at home to recuperate. Meaning I get kicked out of V's room, since she's got the most orderly room. Hihi oh dear. Operation TuMY phase II isn't going very well. Actually I haven't figured out what that phase involves. Amazing as my room is, it is still in shambles.

France and Portugal battle it out tonight. Hee! Come on Zizou!

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