Friday, July 28, 2006

Another end of the month

I've been plagued by something nasty in my piping for the past week. I had to take two days off work because I was beset with a high fever, vomitting, headaches (either from hunger or dehydration, how does one tell them apart anyway?) and, ahem, diarrhea (hey it happens to all of us!).

Mom says I have gastroenteritis. I stated that proudly earlier this morning to both Paula and Jackie because I have a name for my current condition. But they both drew back and looked like they wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole. So I am hesitant to say that that's what I have. I'll just go with 'my tummy's a bit delicate at the moment'.

But I'm feeling much much better now. The clinic lady told me which foods to stay away from: fried, oily, dairy products. But those are EXACTLY how I describe my favorite foods! I was very conflicted but in the end I obeyed her. Well for a day. Then the next day the temptation was too great, so I gave in and bought myself some cheetos. Yay! I sure paid for it that same night. But dammit I'd do it again if I had to!

Apart from all that excitement, things are still relatively ho-hum. Well, Char and Oli set out on a trip to Tagaytay last Wednesday and returned with many tales of misadventures, one of which involved Char running up a mountain after a speeding tricycle with Oli still in it. They loved every minute of it.

Anyway so that marks the end of July. Provided that nothing too eventful happens this weekend. Oh and there's monsoon type movement happening in the south of the country. Chances are it's another typhoon. Whoop dee doo.


jax said...

come ONNNNN that's just GROSS. anything with "itis" at the end of it is kind of gross, and anything to do with "gastro" anything is even more gross!!!

chrismiss said...

I really don't think it's as gross as UTI. Now THAT should be kept to oneself and her gynecologist.

Paula said...

My dear, it sounds really bad. This is from WIkipedia:

Gastroenteritis involves diarrhea or vomitting, with noninflammatory infection of the upper small bowel, or inflammatory infection of the colon, both part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Usually this is caused by an infection,but this is not always the case. It usually is of acute onset, normally lasting less than 10 days and self-limiting. Sometimes it is referred to simply as 'gastro'. It is often called the stomach flu or gastric flu even though it is not related to influenza.

If the inflammation is limited to the stomach, the term gastritis is used, and if the small bowel alone is affected it is enteritis.


chrismiss said...

The small bowel is affected? Hihihi why does it get a complex because all the other bowels are so large and self-assured? hihihiihi

But yes that's disgusting shit!

I'm nearly recovered. Really.