Monday, November 06, 2006


The higher ups have decided to put me in training. I'm on a temporary work schedule at the moment, I have been starting work at 9 in the morning since last Thursday and will continue to do so till Friday of this week. All I can say is, I hate morning traffic with a passion. Well I was more resigned to it today, I think I'm adjusting well to it really. It only took me 2 hours to get to work today after all. Precious precious time. Anyway none of my immediate superiors seem to know what's going on, they told me I was training for one thing but so far we've been learning about something entirely different. It is quite interesting but definitely not a preferred topic of conversation when you're chatting up a hottie at a club on Saturday night. Not that that happened to me last weekend, I actually had a clubbing night of unimaginable horror. Very upsetting and I wish to never speak of it ever again.

This can't be a comprehensive post as my training schedule today starts at 10 and I need to at least pretend I'm looking at my translation files for the day. It's piling up and I'm not even the slightest bit concerned about it. I'll probably end up working overtime a couple of nights this week but it is all worth it after seeing the worried look that appears on my incompetent supervisor's face each time he sees me leaving my desk to go to training. Yeah that's right, that's your problem isn't it? Mwahaha.


Manila Girl said...

i want to know about the clubbing night of unimaginable horror!!

chrismiss said...

Yes of COURSE you would. I'm still quite sore about it so I'll tell you all about that when you're here, so you'll just have to wait till then.