Thursday, June 08, 2006


I got tagged (gee thanks Jax). I am reluctant to, but will participate. Looks like some people enjoyed this exercise. I didn't follow all of the instructions.

1. the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different descriptions of their perfect lover.
2. he/she needs to mention the sex/gender of their perfect lover.
3. he/she must tag 8 more people to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. if tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.

Okay I'm not particular about a lot of things but there are qualities that I do look for specifically in a lover:

1. odd clever funny interesting - this counts as one for me
2. hygienic but not overly so
3. big fan of at least one of the following: music - playing it, dancing to, listening to, singing along to it // arts (preferably painting or photography or graphic design) - does it, knows a lot about it, likes going to museums // literature - reads, writes // films - makes them, discusses them using theories or merely watches them
4. not pretentious unless for fun
5. not racist unless clearly joking
6. not rude unless making a point
7. mindful of others/kind-hearted

8. emotionally mature/listens and responds well to me

The ninth item would have been good in bed: for sleeping and otherwise.

I'm so hung over.


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... »

Anonymous said...