Monday, June 19, 2006

Brief hiatus

I've been busy with the following:

1 bug battle - last week after work, I had unwittingly brought an unidentified but very vile creature home with me (it was on my shirt) on the walk home. Damn rains unearthing creepy crawlies left and right. I noticed it only as I was changing out of my work clothes, screamed bloody murder and whimpered as I heard it buzz away. The following morning, I woke up, did my morning ritual, got dressed for work and on my way out, I paused in the doorway checking my pockets to see that I hadn't forgotten anything. Okay I was good to go. Then I felt a bump on my thigh. Thinking it was a large lint ball, I squeezed it. It buzzed. I felt six insect legs scratching my skin lightly. I was paralyzed in disbelief as realization set in. Screaming bloody murder yet again, I pulled my pants down and threw them halfway across the living room. My mom rushed to the rescue and crushed the evil bug with her foot. Yay go mommy!

2 It's been raining on and off lately. Got caught in the rain once, got home harassed and drenched.

3 Caught a couple of WC games over the weekend. Go Argentina!

Need to work on 3 designs.

Stress reliever in Israel

I want to start a pillow fight club in Manila.

And for something really uncommon (at least in my part of the world anyway): Cat rapes woman

I say the woman had it coming.

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