Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ghana goes home

Brazil kicked Ghana's ass last night. Everyone at Heckle was rooting for them. So heartbreaking. They were so close to scoring a goal so many times too. Ugh Brazil's simply too good.

Argentina to play Germany this Friday! I'm scared!


Operation TuMY: Phase I

Operation TuMY (Tidying Up My Room) is in effect. I will be posting photos to document the progress of this endeavour to keep me going. I've been saying I want to tidy up my room for the past three years now, maybe longer. I start cleaning projects only to get bored halfway through and leave the mess for a year or so until I muster up enough motivation to make another attempt. Let's see if Operation TuMY will be a success.

I've been sleeping in my sister's room for the past month. Well since she left for Oz really. I piled so much mess on my bed that I couldn't even make a little bit of sleeping space for me. So I gave up and invaded her room. Anyway, I'm sure she doesn't mind too much (hihi). It'll give it a nice lived-in look. It's always so neat and clean. Sadly for me, she'll be back in a month's time and I've got to go back to my chaos. I figure I should start early, it is so tedious.

I made some notes on the photos but I didn't check whether they were readable or not. I think the enlarged versions should be alright. If not, let me know if you care to read them and I'll make the proper revisions later on.

Before Photos: taken earlier this week (sorry I have a shit phone cam)

After photos:
taken just this morning (yes, with the same shit cam)

Obviously there's loads more work to be done. There is a reason why I didn't specify the number of phases in this operation. So Phase I entails floor and bed clearing. My mom has been very keen on getting rid of that pull-out bed of late...hopefully this will appease her enough to buy me more time. I don't want to get rid of the pull-out bed. Where would I put all my junk?

Phase I status report: lookin' good

And do you know what else?

I even put my dirty clothes in a laundry bag!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ending June

It's been an awful month for me and personally I'm ecstatic knowing that June 2006 will be over in 3 days and will never ever be repeated ever again.

I had a most harrowing weekend. I had the brilliant idea of buying another sim card, a brand known primarily for its wonderfully low-cost mobile phone call offers. My present phone, his name is Markus, is locked to a different network. No worries, we've got Greenhills, the land of plenty (of piracy and of random dirt-cheap useful accessories). One can easily get a phone unlocked at a very reasonable price. Now I've had many unfortunate, patience-trying, temper-inducing experiences specific to phone purchasing at Greenhills. But did that stop me from going back? No, but let me explain. To be fair to myself, I did consider it seriously. I really thought about it. And I concluded that it's happened to me several times enough to deduce that it would be a statistic improbability for yet another unfortunate, patience-trying, temper-inducing experience specific to phone purchasing. But I felt cursed so I didn't go to Greenhills. At least, not straight away.

So a friend and I went to Park Square to have my phone unlocked last Saturday. Beautiful sunny afternoon. We found a repair center straight away and I was told it would set me back 500 pesos. Hm a bit more than expected but I don't own a Nokia phone which apparently is the cheapest to unlock. Anyway I said okay fine do it. So he set out to do so. Twenty minutes and a jamaican patty purchase later, the "technician" informed me that he encountered problems and could not unlock it. Hm. Trifle annoying but okay that's fine. I checked my phone, okay everything seems to be in order. Fine. We'll take it to another place.

Off we went to a phone tiangge in Glorietta. And that was an ordeal. Nearly an hour went by and still the phone wasn't unlocked. The "technician" and I use the term very very loosely started preoccupying himself with a different phone. There was something I found particularly off-putting about him, from the way he moved to the way he spoke. I asked him how long it was going to take. I noted that he seemed surprised with my presence and asked me stupidly if I had anything important stored in my phone. I said of course I do, why what did you do? Well the fat fuck didn't care to let me know that he too encountered problems trying to unlock my phone. He did, however, succeed in deleting all my phone files. He restored my phone's factory settings without consulting me. I started getting upset but I refrained from shouting at him. I made myself listen to him explain what he was going to do, he said the phone files would be gone forever but he would be able to unlock it. I figured well fuck we've been here for 45 minutes already and there's nothing I can do about my phone now, so okay just make it quick. I said that last bit rather rudely and I'd like to justify it by pointing out that the fat fuck just deleted all my contacts, some are numbers which are my only way of reaching a lot of people. So fuck yeah I was pissed off. Plus he was a fat fuck. I didn't care if he didn't mean to be a fat fuck. No one means to be, right? And for the ones who do mean to be fat fucks, well that's their choice and you've got to respect that, yeah?

I know now that I could have handled this situation differently. Actually the whole thing could have been less painful if I had just backed all my files up. But I didn't and I was in that situation. What I should have done was I should have remained calm but maintained a dialogue. I should have been firm and made sure he understood the gravity of what he had just done. No, instead I plunked myself resignedly in one of the chairs in the shop, crossed my arms occasionally muttering obscenities not quite under my breath. My friend insisted I should say something...I knew what I wanted to say but I was afraid I would blow up. I'm used to being non-confrontational and I don't like losing my temper. But I should have said something. I know this now.

Well in the end my friend spoke to the guys while I sat stewing in my anger. She came back with bad news: he couldn't unlock the phone either. That did it. I bolted upright, shot out of my chair screaming Whaaaat?!, walked up to Fat Fuck, stuck out my hand and said to him, Give it to me, GIVE ME my fucking phone! He held it up, I grabbed it roughly and shoved my way out of the shop with my friend trailing after me.

I hang my head in shame. I behaved poorly.


On Sunday I went to Greenhills and bought a cheap ass second hand phone. Everything was dandy. Till the battery died. The phone wouldn't switch on even after hours of being plugged to the socket. I had two thoughts: no, not again and the Greenhills Curse will always be upon me. I wanted to sleep for a week. I got all melodramatic thinking that I will never change, I will always be irresponsible, I will never learn to look after myself properly, I will always be doing damage control and never really progress to something better, I will never be a proper grown up, why do I even bother what does it all mean anyway we're all going to die soon etc etc etc.

Fade to black.


This morning I went to the mall. I lucked out. The phone was fine but there was something wrong with the fake housing I bought. I bought a new one and a proper battery. And that was that.

But yeah I have about 3 people in my directory at the moment. So for those of you who used to be in my phone book, please please please text me or email me your contact details.


Everything's forgotten now. I'm back to being Just Peachy. I just need to remember to perform better in future sticky situations. So for all you fat fucks out there, BRING IT ON.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I am ill. Sniff sniff. Of all days. Why todayyy? I like going to work. There's an architecture exhibit I wanted to see later this evening. And that Ghana-USA game is tonight. Aaargh! It's so unfair! Instead I have to stay home and get in super LAMS mode. LAMS is simply Looking After Myself System. LAMS key points are: a LOT of water and a LOT of bedrest. LAMS = LW + LB = chriswellness. Oh. Hmm. Hehe. It doesn't work that way, does it? That would be LAMS = chriswellness right? And that's not. Right, I mean. Hehe I obviously have no clue how equations work. I assure you it works for me, I've been using it for years. Wait wait hold on a minute here. LAMS does equal to my wellness! What the hell's wrong with me. Anyway I started the system yesterday and I am still brimming with water. I made so many toilet trips at work, I think that if I count the minutes I took to get there, have a wee (which was a lot mind you), wash my hands and shuffle back to my desk, it would easily add up to an hour.

I feel useless. Oooh but I do get to read a book today. I purchased Zadie Smith's On Beauty last weekend. It was a choice between this and a book containing all of DH Lawrence's short stories. I do love Daniel but the cover was a disaster. I'm going to wait for a different edition of that. Look at Zadie's. It's pretty. When you judge a book by its cover, it helps settle difficult decisions. Just think, I could still be in that bookstore now. In any case I've started the winning book, so far I'm not hooked yet but I quite liked her White Teeth and the read started out the same way.

So anyway, I called in sick today.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Internet panic?

I like to read the Streamload blog every once in a while. This is an old post but thought it worthwhile to repost here:

Internet Might be Running out of Room Soon
Pretty soon the vast expanse known as the internet will soon run out of space and IP addresses, according to an article from Currently the internet has room for 4.3 billion addresses. About one-third of those are already in use, and more than another one-third are spoken for. It is theorized that by 2012, there will be 17 billion addresses. The solution for this is to update the IP addresses to make them longer and carry higher bandwidths. Maybe the lesson that people will glean from this story is to download all they can while it is still possible.
Well people. You heard the man. We only have 6 good downloading years left. Let's get cracking.

The abovementioned article is by Dan Frommer:
Is the Internet out of Room?

Teehee, my job is good. I have time to read and blog interesting stuff.


Sad but good to know: Ideally Bad, or, The Banality of Her Badness

Who is Ceca?
Ceca: Serbia's singing heroine

How addicted are you?

Internet Addiction Test

Apparently I am " average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage..."

Woohoo! I'm rehabilitated!

Brief hiatus

I've been busy with the following:

1 bug battle - last week after work, I had unwittingly brought an unidentified but very vile creature home with me (it was on my shirt) on the walk home. Damn rains unearthing creepy crawlies left and right. I noticed it only as I was changing out of my work clothes, screamed bloody murder and whimpered as I heard it buzz away. The following morning, I woke up, did my morning ritual, got dressed for work and on my way out, I paused in the doorway checking my pockets to see that I hadn't forgotten anything. Okay I was good to go. Then I felt a bump on my thigh. Thinking it was a large lint ball, I squeezed it. It buzzed. I felt six insect legs scratching my skin lightly. I was paralyzed in disbelief as realization set in. Screaming bloody murder yet again, I pulled my pants down and threw them halfway across the living room. My mom rushed to the rescue and crushed the evil bug with her foot. Yay go mommy!

2 It's been raining on and off lately. Got caught in the rain once, got home harassed and drenched.

3 Caught a couple of WC games over the weekend. Go Argentina!

Need to work on 3 designs.

Stress reliever in Israel

I want to start a pillow fight club in Manila.

And for something really uncommon (at least in my part of the world anyway): Cat rapes woman

I say the woman had it coming.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lampoon evening

So I tried to stick to my plan. I really did. But everything was against me. Mainly myself really.

I got to the mall without a problem. But it was all downhill from there. I met up with an old friend who had rung me at random, I hadn't seen her or spoken to her in several months. She tagged along on what was supposed to be my amazingly organized errand run. Hah! I was sorely mistaken.

The first item on my list has been on my list for the past two weeks. I need a school bag for my german class materials: books, dictionary, exercises etc. I found the bag I want but have failed to get it several times. Reason number 1: the shop didn't have it in the color I wanted. Reason number 2: the sales staff was not only uncooperative but was also unfriendly, downright rude if you ask me. Reason number 3...and the most frustrating of all: I had the wrong credit card. Let us probe deeper into my stupidity, shall we?

So I tried to card the bag purchase last week (in the bad service shop). The cashier told me, "Mom (Tagalog accent: for the slow ones who don't get it, she means ma'am), it says do not honor." I said huh? That's not possible, I pay everything and I'm always on time. The lady just blinked at me. So I said okay fine I'll use my debit card then. She said okay but there's no discount and then proceeded to blink at me. I said okay but then changed my mind at the last minute because they were so damn annoying. So I left and put it off another time. I regret that now. That was last Friday and I decided to get the bag today. Well you see, I have a healthy relationship with my credit card people so I rang my bank company this morning and spoke to a very pleasant man who assured me that indeed I was a good client and that my card was working perfectly fine and that if there were any more problems, I should ask to speak to them on the phone. I was delighted.

So after work, I went to three shops who should have had it but DIDN'T. Another one had it but in a garish color. I nearly bought it too. I was in a desperate frame of mind, so cut me some slack. So I said FINE that's not working out, it's been two hours and I haven't accomplished anything, I'll do my toiletries shopping first. It took ages to find the damn shop and when I have specific not-so-fun things to do, I get impatient and no-nonsense about it. I have a list of things to buy goddammit. Thinking my credit card situation all ironed out, I decided to card my purchases. Little brave me. The lady said, mom it's been denied and gave me a pitying look. I ignored it thinking it was going to be a quick call and said okay please pass me the phone and let me speak to them.

Thirty minutes and six calls later, a very agitated me asked the lady cashier to try my card again. I had been ignored on the phone, passed around and redirected to the trunkline several times. I rang the bank again but this time on my mobile. I suppose the man on the other end heard the beginnings of wild hysteria in my voice because he actually paid attention. After a series of clicks he said: Mam, the card you're using was blocked last year because you reported it stolen.

I blinked. The second time slowly and in comprehension.

Last year I thought my wallet had gotten stolen. My credit card was in it. I reported it stolen and I was issued another one to replace that. Then weeks later, I found my wallet in my yard sale of a bed and put it somewhere. In my haste last week, I must have picked up the stolen card and have been trying to use that to charge my purchases.

I got home and looked for my valid card. It was on my bed. In plain sight.

Sigh. I guess I'll get the bag later this week then.

To make this read more exciting, ask yourself this question: Did you play with legos while you were growing up?

Legos playing:

Definitely NSFW but fucking hilarious.

Free day!

Hihihi it's Independence Day. And I'm at work. I've been feeling a little down all weekend and couldn't snap out of it. The dark mood usually lifts when I get out of the house and preoccupy myself with errands or silly stuff. Otherwise I'll feel progressively worse, I'll do nothing but sleep and eat and nap and watch tv then I'll feel groggy and bloated and lazy and pathetic. And I tend to spend money on stupid things I don't need to cheer myself up and that's never good, I get all depressed and self-loathing.

So I gave myself a compromise: I'll come to work on a holiday for a couple of hours, feel better doing something productive and making extra money while I'm at it, then leave to go to the mall to do a bit of shopping, run my errands and buy stupid things.

So that's what I'm sticking to today.

My office building was creepy. I entered it and the lobby was dark and smoky with construction work and half the elevators weren't available. I got up to my floor and found that only a third of the workforce reported for duty. It's so cool. I really just wanted a chance to come in my dirty jeans and scruffy sneakers. Defile the system somehow. Mwaha.

And guess what? There's FREE FOOD! I didn't know that! No wonder people come to work on holidays. It's like a party here but with dull and stuffy people who are trying to be cool and hip. It's so good. It's hilarious you have to see it.

I'm such a child.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunny Rainy Sunday

It's been rainy and sunny in turns. I haven't gone out all day. Well once to get a pedicure at the local barber shop / "beauty" center a couple of blocks from my house. I think the "manicurist" made my left big toe bleed. Oh well. That's what I get for being too lazy to venture out to a proper mall to a proper beauty salon with proper manicurists with proper manicuring instruments.

I nearly succeeded in doing nothing all day too. I ate a lot but am still hungry. I'm well into the second season of Grey's Anatomy. I've decided that I like Izzy and maybe Burke the best. Oh and the asshole guy who isn't really an asshole. Ugh I've seen more TV in 2 weeks than I have in all of last year. I don't even know why I watch it. Why oh why didn't I just wait for my friend to lend me his House cds? Now I have to watch the rest of GA's season 2. It's like an itch I have to scratch until it bleeds. And I do like to scratch until I draw blood. Oh I should have gone out today, I'm going mad.

Anyway I did succeed in creating a billing invoice template. Apparently most companies who outsource designers need to be billed officially. Hihi it was fun. I made a logo and everything and I'd have put it here too but I'm shy.

Also I am in the process of sending my sister design drafts of her wedding invites. Only it's not working. How I hate the Dial Up. I would have made more yesterday and it's not as if I didn't have time, but mother dearest mistook my laptop for my dad's and took it with her to do some accounting with my other sister. To bloody Cavite. Hehe oh mom.


This is from that England v Paraguay game we saw at the Podium. It was okay, I could more or less follow what was going on. There were more England supporters in our crowd but the team wasn't playing very well (and I don't know an awful lot about the game) so I spent most of the time trash talking both teams. If I were a fan, I'd have smashed my face in.

Anyway it was really good, I got myself a beer even though I don't drink it, just to get into the spirit. The wimp in me couldn't finish it.

England won 1-0, scored by a Paraguayan head. The commentator wouldn't shut up about it haha he was hilarious! He prolly got his face smashed in afterwards. The game was unsatisfying so my friends and I decided to stay for the next one at midnight local time: Sweden v Trinidad and Tobago. The Swedes look really hot, I think I'll root for them but we decided to side with T&T because it's their first World Cup appearance ever but more importantly because they're party animals!!! Hihi. They rocked! That game was awesome! My heart stopped each time the Swedes tried to score a goal. It was so exciting, I screamed myself hoarse. My throat's really sore now. But it was well worth it. They tied 0-0! The Swedish fans looked so glum, poor things.


Friday, June 09, 2006

Kick off tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night at the Podium!

England v Paraguay
10 June, 9pm at the Chill Area

I don't know anything about football but for some reason it tickles me pink how some people get really excited about a dozen people running around chasing after a ball. Oh wait I do know the reason: hot sweaty men in short shorts touching each other? I'm there! Ooh I'm getting goosebumps!

Extra income

I've got design jobs lined up! Yay! I'll be making flyers again. Double yay! And I'll be getting paid for it. Triple yay!

For as long as I can remember, I have always been incapable of making money on the side. While my family isn't what you'd call rich, my parents have always made sure we got as much as they could give us. I never starved, my clothes were clean (to some extent, and I was usually responsible for sullying them anyway), I always got candy whenever I asked for it (I may as well confess now: I used to be a candy shoplifter...shhhhh it's a secret). I didn't (maybe I still don't) really care about having a lot of money (I think it's because I find poverty a little bit romantic, I mean you don't know whether or not you're eating today, you don't know if you can scrounge up enough cash to pay for tuition etc, and I've never really been materialistic, if I did want something, I'd figure out a way to get the money for it. Money's a commodity you can always get, it just depends on how resourceful you are. Take for instance a couple of years ago, I got obsessed with playing guitar. My dad got me an acoustic guitar when I told him I wanted to learn how to play an instrument. I played that thing day and night, I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't eat, instead of going to class, I'd be playing my guitar. Till I broke it, I had wound the strings so tight that they ripped the bridge off completely, rendering it irreparable although I did try to superglue it back together. Well later on I learned that the main reason is that it was actually a classical guitar and that it came with nylon strings. But I wanted to rock (!) so I replaced them with steel ones. Naturally it didn't work out well. No one warned me about that hehe. So I got another one, an actual acoustic one and and broke that too soon after its purchase. So I said to myself: I WANT AN ELECTRIC GUITAR RAWWWRRR!!! Yes, exactly like that. Hihi. Well what I wanted was a PRS guitar with abalone inlays. Either a Standard 22 or a McCarty or a Custom 22. In scarlet red. Yeah, sooooo HOT! But they cost so much and anyway they aren't available here so if I had had it shipped over, it would have cost me well over 5000 US. But I digress and will continue to till I make my way back to the point.

So anyway, I found a beautiful black Gibson Epiphone guitar but pride wouldn't let me cajole my parents into getting it for me. Plus they're really big on teaching their kids "the value of money" so an electric guitar was totally out of the question anyway. I was a language major for crying out loud. So what I did was I became an assistant to this French documentarist lady. I was still at uni at the time so I had no real previous work experience. That was actually fun. Incidentally enough, she was the one who introduced me to Photoshop and the wonderful world of layout design. But the objective was electric guitar acquisition! So as soon as I had enough saved up, which was about five months later, I told her my priorities had changed and that I was going to help finish the work on the current project but that I couldn't come round anymore after that. It was guitar madness. Hihi oh that was bliss.

But yeah after that, I wanted more more more. Ah the sweet hierarchy of wants. And I always managed to get by with employee money. So pleasant surprise now, it seems that I've got a sort of regular extra cash flow system in the works here.

So you see, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything...or maybe you just have to be a lucky bastard.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I got tagged (gee thanks Jax). I am reluctant to, but will participate. Looks like some people enjoyed this exercise. I didn't follow all of the instructions.

1. the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different descriptions of their perfect lover.
2. he/she needs to mention the sex/gender of their perfect lover.
3. he/she must tag 8 more people to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. if tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.

Okay I'm not particular about a lot of things but there are qualities that I do look for specifically in a lover:

1. odd clever funny interesting - this counts as one for me
2. hygienic but not overly so
3. big fan of at least one of the following: music - playing it, dancing to, listening to, singing along to it // arts (preferably painting or photography or graphic design) - does it, knows a lot about it, likes going to museums // literature - reads, writes // films - makes them, discusses them using theories or merely watches them
4. not pretentious unless for fun
5. not racist unless clearly joking
6. not rude unless making a point
7. mindful of others/kind-hearted

8. emotionally mature/listens and responds well to me

The ninth item would have been good in bed: for sleeping and otherwise.

I'm so hung over.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shoe Crisis!

I got to work with fifteen minutes to spare. Good thing too. I'm feeling pretty smug at getting good at being on time. But none of that matters because as I was walking to my desk, the strap on my shoe broke! Well it's a slip-on and that itty bitty thing that connects the top bit to the insole, well, it tore off. So there I was, panic-stricken but trying to appear like nothing out of the ordinary happened, ambling along striving to do so without limping too conspicuously. Only I couldn't help it. I had to drag my left foot to prevent the damn slipper from flying off my foot and knocking someone unconscious. Then everyone would gather round and start asking questions...that situation would have been much much worse.

So I rushed (or tried to) to my desk while possible solutions raced through my mind. I scoured my drawer for my newly acquired stapler (imagine if I didn't have one) and I hastily stapled the frayed bit onto the insole. After several attempts, I managed to fasten it. It's very fragile though so I have to remember to move delicately today. I can't even get a hot choco to make me feel better. It's too risky. I won't take toilet breaks unless I really really really have to. With the Stapler-of-the-Year in my pocket. I won't even think about how I'm going to get home yet (I have to walk a couple of blocks to get a ride).

Hooboy it's going to be a long day.

Portrait of the Artist as Cartographer

So this is the map I made for Goethe-Institut Manila. That's where I take my German classes! A very good friend of mine works there too (hey Paula!). Hee and I practically twisted her arm to give me design jobs because I am poor! But as you can very well see, resourceful and hardworking. Because "any industrious person..." Hehe sorry, old private joke. I couldn't resist putting that there.

Yay! And they seem to be less persnickety about the design/layout process, whereas at my old workplace, for something like this, I'd be making revisions for a week, leaving us with little time to have copies printed, thereby compromising the quality. It wouldn't matter to me so much if people didn't go around saying that I'm responsible for the damn things. Hehe I'm not talking shit or anything, I was merely noticing the difference. Anyway I can create and modify layouts for hours at a time, I find that it calms my troubled soul. Okay fine, I don't have a troubled soul. Just leave my title alone.

Monday, June 05, 2006


In an email I received this afternoon, my sister decided to share something with me:

Worldwide, 36 miles of hair grows every day.

That's pretty gross. I don't know what to do with this information so I'm putting it here. I was under the impression that she was working in Australia. She's been going there pretty regularly for the past year or so, supposedly on "company business". Well I dunno now...

Stormy Weather

Saturday mornings I attend a German class. Since I'm paying for it, I try not to miss a lesson, though I'm seldom on time. I study more than I expected to and I have to learn about 50 new words every week which is difficult since German words tend to be oh-so-loooooooooooong. But it's good, I'm having loads of fun which is a little strange considering I used to like not going to class. My classmates are all quite good (but they're all going down bwahaha), the dimmer ones having been weeded out in the last couple of levels hihihi! Okay I'm sorry (but not really). But yeah I enjoy it so much that I even got a book called "German Made Simple" yesterday.

Hehe I started reading it too! Anyway after class I went to visit my old workplace to say hi but they were too busy for me! So I left and had some beauty services done instead. The lady who sorted out my eyebrows has asked me to leave them alone. She did such a good job that I think I will. Then I went to dinner with friends and while we were gorging on yummy italian food, the skies opened and released sheets and sheets of water. Yay! I'm used to heavy rains here but that downpour frightened me a little. It lasted several minutes. After dinner, some of us went home but I went with a couple of them to this lovely place that I used to frequent earlier this year. Yes I had my usual lassi there. My mom rang me and asked me where I was. Apparently it rained so hard that it flooded in our area (and it almost never does there). So I stayed out a bit then spent the night at some kind soul's house.

It rained some more on Sunday so after lunch with the family, I spent the afternoon at home, tidying up my room making it look slightly less of a yard sale, sorted out my laundry and did my bathroom inventory. I need soap. Then I did some design revisions and watched three Grey's Anatomy episodes in a row. Meredith is still annoying. Then I had a much needed massage and fell asleep a few times, disorienting me each time. But it was soooo good.

Okay it's time for my hot choco and I have to work now, I really shouldn't be slacking off so early in my employment.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Salsa, salsa

I went to a salsa thing last night. I was part of a large group and didn't know most of the people. The ones that I did know were busy dancing, naturally, I should have been too, but I was really more excited to get something to drink. I really miss partying several times a week, although I have been getting more sleep since the beginning of this year, resulting in me looking less gray which is definitely more desirable to me. Oh yeah and I decided to be a smoker last night yay. Nevermind that I didn't enjoy any of the cigarettes I had as much as I used to, I guess I just needed something to keep my hands busy. It was good, I did a bit of socializing but I felt like I was rushing and forcing conversation out of me, I suppose I wanted to make as much sense as possible while I was still sober. To be honest I didn't really care, but I did want to make a nondescript impression at least. And I was getting drunk fast. I was only having sangria. Not drinking regularly has weakened my already near nonexistent resilience to alcohol. Anyway three drinks later, I was a goner. I came with a friend and we left around 1 and she was kind enough to let me sleep it off for a couple of hours before I set off for home. I got to mine at 4. My stomach's all hollow and uneasy, I have a dreadful headache and my body feels like lead. A nice steaming cup of hot choco should do the trick. Oh bless the little things.

Haha, I didn't actually do any salsa dancing.


I need to sort out my template. This one will do for the moment.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hee I just got my own stapler. Now all I'm waiting for are my drawer and locker keys. And the transformation will be complete.

Oh and I found the bank at noon today. It wasn't the "helpful" lady's fault. Nor was it the cabbie's. In fact, I think he knew which bank I was referring to but didn't point it out because I was glowering at him. Well sort of. But anyway, my bank card is so cool! It's shiny and new and blue. I'm itching to take some cash out.

Oh yeah and I'm beginning to really like my workmates.