Saturday, August 26, 2006

A long August

I've been really cranky of late. People have been extra annoying and none of my errands have been simple and quick.

This week alone has me all stressed out. Travelling on a Filipino passport is so complicated. Bastards, if the objective is to discourage people from leaving the country...IT'S WORKING. I'm too exhausted to muster even a tingle of excitement. And I LOVE going on trips. I really hope the worst is over for this stupid visa application, but the way things have been going for me lately, I wouldn't be surprised if more problems arise.

But there are things here that make you realize why people subject themselves to these stringent and sometimes humiliating procedures, only to become second class citizens elsewhere. We're trying to get away from each other.

I tried to get my license renewed earlier this week. I had all the documents with me, but the guy at the counter informed me that I needed to apply for a new license and ignored me when I asked why. The new license involved going to seminars, taking tests and attending lectures. Without batting an eyelash, he then said that he could sort everything out himself, save me a bit of time, and all I needed to do was pay him the fees. Which amounted to nearly 4 times the renewal fee. Sounded downright dodgy to me. The fucker was trying to bribe me and it was tempting. Hand him the cash, get my license. Sounds like a good idea. Quick and painless and I'd be free to run my other errands. No sweat. Sure, loads of people do it. Anything goes in Manila, that's what makes it so exciting. That and the unsafe wiring, but I'll save that for another entry.

I left. I'll just have to find someone who will do things properly and process me a license renewal, what I actually need.

The thing is, I like to complain about how corrupt government institutions can be sometimes, how corrupt some politicians are and how corrupt some cops are. But if I had agreed to do things that fucker's way, that would have made me corrupt as well. And after having done that, continuing to speak against the wrongs in Philippine society will just make me what a lot of people these days are: a hypocrite.

Stop cutting corners assholes! No wonder it's so hard to get into other countries. People don't want us contaminating them with our indecent ways. Be selfish cunts if you must, but please leave the rest of us out of it, because you're dragging us down with your baseness!

Huhu chrismiss is not merry. This is going to be a full blown rant if I don't end this post now. I know what I need, I need a nap. Because naps are gooooood.

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