Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Drive on the left

Good thing drivers here in Melbourne follow road regulations, otherwise I'd have been run over by now. I keep forgetting that cars come from the right when I'm crossing the street. It's a bit unnerving.

Arrived last Saturday, flight was an hour delayed but we had enough time to get freshened up before heading to the wedding. Aside from a little cab situation (loads of people turned up in the city for the weekend because of a big football final), everything went smoothly.

Have done a little bit of touring so far. Last night we got back from a long drive on the Great Ocean Road to see lovely things like the 12 Apostles. Saw lots of cows and sheep and a glimpse of a wallaby. We stood on the edge of the cliff and I'm pretty sure I saw Antarctica from where we were standing. Hihi. Breathtaking view, it was windy and cloudy as well so our faces stung from the cold. Even my teeth hurt. Yeah one thing I noticed here is that the weather can be very tricky. Slowly getting used to it though. Over the weekend we went to see an exhibition featuring Da Vinci's inventions which was on-going when we arrived. Brilliant man. I plan to visit the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria) to see more arty stuff.

Food portions are huge and I already ask for the kiddie sized ones. Cigarettes are very expensive.

Will be back soon with more to write.


Paula said...

Same thing in Malaysia. I had to keep reminding myself to look the other way otherwise Natalie Portman's character's fate at the start of "Closer" would be mine as well.

Hope you're having fun! See you when you get back :)

chrismiss said...

Haha exactly. I keep reminding myself to look to my right. Apart from that, everything's good.

See you next week :)

jax said...

i had that exact same problem in london, and it persisted for at least a month. luckily, they had "RIGHT" or an arrow or something on the ground at some crossings, or i kept saying "look right" to myself, or something helpful like that (it was so long ago) that got me used to things.

hey paula you ALMOST gave "closer" away!!! luckily for YOU, you only spoiled the beginning.

chrismiss said...

Yes. I've learned to look right now when I cross. But my problem NOW is that I can't seem to look left after I've crossed the street and I'm supposed to be looking left already. It makes me feel so bloody awkward!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy of the land of OZ! Love your blog. Miss youuu.

chrismiss said...

I did. I am back. Where are you anyway?