Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Working on a holiday and half a job rant

I like working on holidays. Well sort of. Ok maybe not really. But I can work for 2 hours instead of the full work day if I so desired. It's quiet and lunch is free which is nice (and greasy). But I think the company's cost cutting because it feels like none of the airconditioners are switched on. It's really really hot! Well okay I think one's on just now but it's so not enough. So I'm probably going to take off within the hour and go to the lovely cafe down the road with its free internet connection and have some of its cold cold drinks and lounge in its cold cold interiors.


jax said...

maybe management thinks that they can sweat more productivity out of you on holidays. meanwhile, across town, they've had the air con on high in the hallways and rooms for the past month. that's how we know the UNCTAD people are still here. after they go, fo' sho' those air cons'll be turned way low.

Anonymous said...
