Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Happy hearts month

Italian archaeologists found skeletal remains of this couple in Mantua, somewhere in northern Italy. Nothing has been confirmed yet but they may have been buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. They were holding each other when they died. How romantic. Look how their skulls form a heart (sort of) too!


jax said...

awwwww how sweet! and morbid! it must've been a sudden death. or maybe starvation. how do they know they're holding each other and not locked in a death-grip of battle? anyway, it's nicer to think that they're a couple. when i die, i want to die happy, like that, in my lover's arms. not at my lover's hands though... anyway, happy hearts month. HAPPY is the operative word! in my lover's arms would be best, really...

chrismiss said...

Cos the archaeologists sayyyy so!!

Manila Girl said...

i bet that's a hoax!, says the cynic

jax said...

so you've got a pessimist and a cynic on your hands, chrismiss, whaddaya gonna do??? it's a very cool picture though. i see the heart.

chrismiss said...

Well IIIII think they're hugging. You are both welcome to continue being pessimistic and cynical. For me, Romance is undead. hehehe

Manila Girl said...

that's just creepy then. Romance, the Undead. makes it sound like it's a vampire or something.


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