The brush is actually quite good but it takes a while to get the hang of it. I've seen the infomercial and have always wanted one. Infomercials have this mesmerizing power over me and I always feel compelled to buy whatever product they're selling, from car engine coolants (I don't have a car, but I rationalize that I can always give it as a gift) to black ant extract (potency for men, I was afraid I was frigid at one point but I realized much later on that a lot of the girls I knew were just loo-- erm, liberal hihihi) to magic ironing boards (I don't even do my laundry). I even get sold on the "if you call within the first 30 minutes you get this special cap/tshirt/another one for free" deal. I especially love them badly dubbed and poorly subtitled. The best is when they're endorsing breast enhancing products and the TV people put a floating flower where the model's nipple should be so as not to offend viewers. And each time she moves, the flower follows. It's absolutely hilarious.
The RevoStyler has got this amazing anti-tangle feature, where it stops automatically whenever great big clumps of hair get stuck and basically this feature stops the brush from rotating and keeps it from ripping your hair at the roots. Makes a horrible sound though. I never saw those TV girls struggle with the product though, and that disappointed me a little bit. Anyway, my hair did come out shiny in the end although I suspect the brush succeeded by tearing out all the dull ones. But whatever gives the desired effect right?
Um, so I have only tonight realized that I incorrectly bookmarked your site and that was why I perplexingly believed you hadn't updated since August. Am greatly looking forward to your next post, now that I know where to find it =P
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