Directed by Rob Stich, stars Michael Caton as the main guy (the dad).
This came out a long time ago (1997 I think) but I didn't hear about it till Donny forced us to watch it to "learn more about Australians". If you liked Napoleon Dynamite, you might like this. It's a lot more painful. Hehe. I'd definitely watch it again, given the chance.
Highlights: A young Eric Bana. The entire Kerrigan family really.
Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, stars Moritz Bleibtreu (he was in Run Lola Run) and other negligible people.
German film, came out early 2000 maybe. Reminds one of The Cube but a bit more intense. I had to remind myself to breathe during the more suspense-filled bits. It really keeps you on edge. The presence of a love interest served absolutely no purpose but to confuse. Forgivable.
Highlights: Moritz Bleibtreu hardly wears anything in this film. Yes, that's it.
weird that our latest entries are both about films. tch. only got to read yours now. hehe, the castle rocked. yeah, yeah, even if d did have to force us to watch it. you should go see children of men.
Yeah I saw the trailer you linked. Looks good. And I like Cuaron.
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