Get in on the action! Read the speeches by President Ahmadinejad and President Chavez!
President Bush said he wanted better relations with Iran. Yet he won't agree to a live debate with the Iranian president to establish a dialogue. Because he knows very well he'll get clobbered in a debate. Something that can be easily adjusted by the media, so I really don't see what the big deal is. Anyway, didn't he say years ago that Iran was part of the "axis of evil"? Now he wants to be friends. What's that about? Also, the US government said that President Chavez who is "a close ally of Iran, Syria and Cuba, would be a disruptive force on the council". Hehe pretty soon the US government will be saying that Americans are the only people who want peace. Yes, the Iraqis and the Lebanese know all about it.
is hugo holding a noam chomsky book? hey i wanna see a bush-ahmadinejad debate!!!
Yeah, he advises Americans to read it. Then we went on to rip Bush to shreds. I wonder what's going to happen to Venezuela. Sales of the book have skyrocketed since.
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